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Dr.Tail / Ketu

Briefing the Nature of the Planet

Ketu is quite influential to make one lovable among the people in a social circle. It bestows love for god and high values. Ketu is also denoted as the representative of bringing luxuries and wealth if it is favourable. Ketu is also a sign of action, intuition and innovation.

Favourite Colour:Smoke Coloured
Favourite Day:Saturday
Favourite God / Deity:Lord Bhairav (An Incarnation of Shiva)

The ill effects of Ketu can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.

  • Donating in charity blankets, iron and Black Til (Sesamum Seeds) on Saturday.

  • Distributing all seven cereals (Wheat, Bajra, Kangani, Moong, Udad, Barley, Gram) to needy and poor on any Saturday.

  • Wearing of smoke coloured clothes will immensely please Ketu to be benevolent.

  • Worshipping Lord Hanuman or Bhairav everyday with Red Flowers and Dhoop.

  • Eating of coconut and distributing the same in charity to the needy people.

how influence planet star ketu dragon tail

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