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Help / Frequently Asked Questions...

This page will help you to answer the most frequently asked questions by our users regarding the site. In case if we did not answer any of the listed question to your satisfaction, or if your question is not answered here, please send us a feedback with your query and we shall respond to the same as soon as possible. The most often asked questions by the user that are not in this list below will be updated here periodically.

  1. Is the site fully Free? If No, what is Free and What is Paid?
  2. About 55 ~ 60% of the site is accessible free to all the users without any payment obligations. However, all prediction modules including a few modules of the free section require basic registration which is also free.

    The balance portion of the site is accessible to paid members only and the modules in paid membership can be seen in the How to Become a Paid Member.

    Your site access status is upgraded to Paid Membership after we receive the payment from you either by Cheque/DD/Online CC.

  3. Do I need to pay to register as a Member?
  4. No, basic registration is free on this site. Once you register as a free member, you can enjoy all the benefits like horoscope charts, predictions, reminders, astro history, fun facts, astro news etc..

    Apart from the above, all prediction modules including certain free modules of this site like Essence of Time, Dreams Prediction require registration.

    A few modules of this site are paid and accessible to only those who have made the payment to be a registered PAID member. Details of what is FREE and what is PAID is provided in the My Accessible Links on the left.

  5. What are the membership charges? How can I pay?
  6. Complete details of the membership charges and the benefits to the same are clearly given in the how to become a paid member link on the left. Please read through the same in complete before paying us online / offline for a paid membership.

    All payments once made are non-refundable and non-transferable. Further under the current paid membership plan Easy Start, we do NOT offer any personal consulting or give answers to your questions.

  7. I have forgotton my password. What to do?
  8. If you have forgotton your password, first try to reset password using our Forgot Password Link on the left. If you still unable to do so, please send us your User Name, Date of Birth, and your Sign Up Email Address.

    We will respond by resetting your password to a new computer generated password and sending an email to the registered email address only. Once you receive the password by email, you are advised to reset the same to your wish by using the My Password Manager Link.

  9. What are the user informations that are collected and stored at your site?
  10. No specific user identifiable information apart from your sign-up registration is ever collected & stored at our site.

    Even the information asked and stored during registration is maintained to identify you uniquely and provide you with accurate predictions and to personalize the site for better user experience.

    You are advised to read through our privacy policy link at the bottom of every page for further information.

  11. How accurate is the prediction given at this site?
  12. The predictions provided for the members in this site are backed by the sound experience of our Guruji Shri A.K. Sharma who has been practising Astrology and giving 100% free predictions to the masses in Delhi, India for the last 29 years.

    For more information about our Guruji, please refer to the About Us pages. Also, a measure of the accuracy can be judged by the mass popularity and usage of this site by many hundred thousand users from around the globe.

  13. Will this portal be developed in other languages? If yes, when and in what languages?
  14. Yes, we have scheduled to develop and enhance the user experience by developing this portal into vivid other languages like Tamil, Gujarathi, Chinese, other European Languages etc...

    Users are requested to visit our other languages poll link and suggest the choice of language they wish to see this site in. Considering the work involved in developing into different languages, the time frame cannot be set and we shall do our best in adding more and more languages on a continuous basis.

  15. Can I give some suggestions about this site?
  16. Yes, you are most welcome to let us have your valuable comments / suggestions / feedback etc...

    You can use the feedback link accessible at the top and bottom of every page to write to us about anything regarding this site. We also welcome any request for new features that you expect us to have online...

  17. How can I refer this site to my friend?
  18. You can refer this site to your friends in two ways.

    One, by directly sending your friend an email about this site.
    Two, by using our Tell a Friend / Recommend to Others link and refering this site to your friend(s) the easy way.

    Either way, your friend will appreciate your having shown him the way to the best portal on Indian Astrology.

  19. Can I ask specific questions to Guruji about my problems?
  20. No, presently, we are not in a position to commit on getting your problems solved by our Guruji.

    However, we are planning to put systems in practice such that Guruji or our panel of expert astrologers can reach and solve the problems of people electronically.

    This system will be implemented as a part of our upcoming additional paid subscription plans in the next several days and we shall you about the same through the site.

  21. My Question is not listed here. What to do?
  22. You are welcome to send us your queries about any clarifications in the modules and the site as a whole.

    Our response rate is 100% and we usually respond in less than 48 hours. If you do not get a reply in 48 hours, please escalate and send the query again with urgent priority. We will respond to your queries at the first opportunity as soon as possible.

  23. I cannot see the site in Indian Languages. Why?
  24. The most prominent reason why you are unable to see this site in Indian Languages on your screen could be because you may not be using Internet Explorer version 5 and above.

    If you are using Internet Explorer, please check the version by going in Help ~ About Internet Explorer.

    We recommend that you install the latest version of Internet Explorer for a smooth and richer browsing experience.

  25. How often is this site updated with new content?
  26. This site is frequently being updated with lots of new and improved astrology related content and better programming. These updates are sometimes done several times a day too.

    Almost every module of this site is designed to give us statistical feedback for us to improve upon the same and provide the user with the best levels of satisfaction.

  27. How can I change by Date / Time or Place of Birth?
  28. In case you wish to change your date / time or place of birth that you have wrongly entered on our site during registration, you can use the My Birth Data Change link after you login to our site and make the changes that you need. If you still have problems, please write to us for a solution.

astrology site related common answers

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