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Moon / Chandra

Briefing the Nature of the Planet

Moon is associated with the functionality of mind. It is believed that the moon controls the power of mind and versatility. It is also believed to provide power of meditation, concentration and resistance against cold diseases.

Favourite Colour:White
Favourite Day:Monday
Favourite God / Deity:Lord Shiva

The ill effects of Moon can be minimized and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience.

  • To propitiate Moon, astrologers recommend donation of white cloth to needy and poor on any Monday. It is also authoritatively stated that chanting of "Om Namah Shivaya" for a good length of time continuously leads to please Moon.

  • Worshipping Lord Shiva daily keeps Moon immensely pleased to quench even high ambitions of the person concerned, it is stated emphatically in astrology.

  • Fasting on Monday brings favours granted by Moon.

  • 'Mounavrat' (Total Silence) practiced on Poornima (Full Moon) provides power and strengthening of mind.

  • Wearing of Pearl ring on the small finger on any Monday and continuing to wear it thereafter is yet one more piece of advice from our ancestors to please the Moon.

how influence planet star moon chandra

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