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What is Horoscope Matching?
Horoscope Matching is the match-making module based on the traditional system of finding the possible compatibity between a couple for marriage. Using this module/system, one can predict whether the couple will lead a healthy life and have no problems as life partners. So if you are interested in finding your compatibility with any person of opposite sex, press the NEXT STEP link above.
How does it Help you?
It calculates the scoring of compatibility affecting various areas of life
Do you know your compatibility score with your spouse?
Are you Manglik, does that affect your compatibility with someone?
We answer all the above and more with detailed analysis. Check out!
How to use Horoscope Matching?
This system of calculation is accessible to the registered members taking your details from our profile about you. We only need to have the name, place,date and time of the person you wish to match and we arrive at the horoscope based matching score for you.
It is very easy to see the horoscope based matching scores. It involves just two steps to arrive at the analysis.
STEP 1: Punch the details of your would be partner.
STEP 2: Choose the right city if we provide multiple choice.
And Zap, the analysis is instantly displayed to you in a flash!