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What is Lost & Found

Lost and found is an exclusive, interactive program of which helps you in the finding of everyday simple items that we generally tend to lose. This could happen to all people who generally have a weak short term memory. These people quite often tend to forget their actions done just a few minutes earlier. It can also be the result of gross carelessness on the part of the loser who has the habit of keeping all the personal carriables here and there every time without any sort of an organization. If you are a registered member & currently logged in, press the NEXT STEP link above.

How does it Help you?

  • This system of prediction is useful only to find your simple everyday objects in daily use only.

  • Examples of such objects are Keys, Pens, Ring, Chain, Watches, Lighters, Cell Phones, Purse etc...

  • This system cannot predict loss or theft in the house or theft of heavy items which are not easily carriable...

  • Examples of such objects are Cars, Scooters, Home Appliances, Office Equipments etc...

How to use Lost & Found?

  • The procedure to find lost things is very easy and involves only 2 steps.

  • First Select the Item that you have lost from the long list of items that this software can find.

  • Next provide the date of Loss of the item as well as a Random 9 Digit Number

  • We will compute & predict the result based on the dynamics of your inputs and the planetary positions prevailing at the moment.

lost something find here

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