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Browse Ancient Herbal Therapy Knowledge Database by Name
Herb English / Hindi NameView
Dhai Ke phoolView Herbal Cure
Dhat KaranjView Herbal Cure
Dhature ke Beejon ka ArkaView Herbal Cure
DoobView Herbal Cure
Doodh wale VrikshView Herbal Cure
Dry Ginger and Milk / Saunth and DhoodhView Herbal Cure
DudhiView Herbal Cure
DugdhakganView Herbal Cure
Ebony Wood / Aabnoos Ki LakdiView Herbal Cure
Echites Untedysenterrica / KutajView Herbal Cure
Fleawart and Ground Colocynth / Isabgol and IndrayanView Herbal Cure
Fragaria Vesca / KaybhalView Herbal Cure
Gaja PippaliView Herbal Cure
Galedupa Arborea / KaranjView Herbal Cure
Gentiana Charetta / ChirayataView Herbal Cure
GhughuchiView Herbal Cure
GiloyaView Herbal Cure
Glycine Debilis / MashparniView Herbal Cure
GorakhmundiView Herbal Cure
Gud aur JeeraView Herbal Cure
Gulabjal aur AnaardanaView Herbal Cure
GurchView Herbal Cure
Gurch Neem AadiView Herbal Cure
Had Ka ArkaView Herbal Cure
Hadsanhar / ½øcýýºÉƽøÉ®ôView Herbal Cure
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