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Browse Ancient Herbal Therapy Knowledge Database by Name
Herb English / Hindi NameView
Aromatic Seed Herbane / Khurasani AjwayanView Herbal Cure
Asafoetida / HeengView Herbal Cure
Asafoetida and Lemon Juice / Heeng and Neembu RasView Herbal Cure
Asgandh AadiView Herbal Cure
Asgandh AadiView Herbal Cure
AshmabhediView Herbal Cure
Asparagus / NagdamanView Herbal Cure
Ast WargView Herbal Cure
Bach AadiView Herbal Cure
Bahede ka ArkaView Herbal Cure
BaintView Herbal Cure
BakuchiView Herbal Cure
Bambinia VariegataView Herbal Cure
BansView Herbal Cure
Bargad’s Jata and Alsi Oil / View Herbal Cure
Barged Ke phoolon Ka ArkaView Herbal Cure
BariyaraView Herbal Cure
Bariyara and Sendha NamakView Herbal Cure
Bawachi and shahad (Honey)View Herbal Cure
Bel Ke patte and shahadView Herbal Cure
BharangiView Herbal Cure
Bhatkataiya & PippaliView Herbal Cure
BhoomivalliView Herbal Cure
Bhringraj / Bhangra / Bhringraj / BhargraView Herbal Cure
Bijore NeembooView Herbal Cure
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Example: Ginger, Black Pepper, Clove, Coriander, Cumin Seeds

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