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More Details about Festival - Ganesa Chaturthi (Bhadropad Shkl Chaturthi)

The great feast of Ganesa is held on the fourth of September and on this occasion. Hindus consider it very unlucky to look at the moon. If by accident, they should get a glimpse of it, they believe that the only way to avert the anger of the god of good luck is to induce their neighbours to abuse them.

Ganesa is the lord of obstacles, their remover, he is the foremost among the gods, whose worship is the “first of all”. He was born in midday of the fourth of Bhadropad. He is the god of wisdom, whose mount is a rat. Riddhi and Siddhi are his two consorts. His favourite oblation is ladoo (Sweet gram ground fried circular sweet).

On the day of worship, after purifying the body, an image of Ganesa in gold, silver or earth (mud) is made. This image is tied over a new pitch full of water. In the evening after applying sindoor (vermilion) on the forehead of the image, worship is done. The image should face south. An oblation of 22 ladoos is offered. Keeping five ladoos in front of the image, rest are distributed to the priest and others. After oblation, distribution of sweets and aims, the image is immersed in water. This worship is done to gain knowledge, wisdom, fame, popularity and to get rid of obstacles in life. The fast undertaken on this day, ends after worship.

There are many legends laying stress on the importance of the fast and the worship. In a game of chess between Siva and Parvati, Ganesa was made the referee. Although Parvati won every time, yet Ganesa declared Siva as the winner. Parvati cursed Ganesa which was only restored when Naga women performed Ganesa Pooja. Ganesa was so dutiful, that when he was posted as a sentry, at the time of Parvati’s bath, he did not allow Siva to enter and he lost his head because of a hit by Siva’s axe. Later Ganesa’s head was restored with the head of an elephant. The also happened on Bhadropad Shukl fourth, and so the celebration.

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