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More Details about Festival - Diwali

Diwali - A festival synonymous with celebrations in India and among Indians all over the world is an occasion for jubilation and togetherness. Diwali is celebrated on Amavasya - the 15th day of the dark fortnight of the Hindu month of Karthik (Oct/ Nov) every year. This is an occasion for young and the old, men and women, rich and poor - for everyone. Irrespective of their religious and economic background, the festival is celebrated throughout the country to ward off the darkness and welcome the light into their lives. The word "Diwali" is made by Sanskrit word "Deepavali" - Deepa meaning light and Avali means a row, i.e. a row of light.

The legend related to Diwali is that during this time Lord Rama fought and won tenuous struggles, killing the king of Demons, Ravana who had forcibly taken away his wife Sita. Diwali marks his victorious return to his kingdom along with Lakshmana, his younger brother. The people of Ayodhya gave expressions to their happiness by lighting earthen diyas and decorating the houses to welcome the Lord. Another legend related to Diwali is that during this time, Lord Krishna and his wife Sathyabhama destroyed Narakasura, a wicked demon who was committing atrocities on the people. People showed their happiness on the death of this cruel demon and celebrated this event as a joyous occasion.

On this day, the people worship Lakshmi - the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, by bursting fire crackers and inviting the near and dear ones to their households for partaking in the luxurious feast. The lighting of lamps is a way of paying obeisance to God for attainment of health, wealth, knowledge, peace and fame and it also signifies goodness. Not only Hindus, people of other religions also celebrate this festival with great pomp and show. People exchange gifts, wear new clothes, meet new and old friends and offer traditional sweets to sum up a typical Indian celebration.

Deepawali is a festival signifying the victory of good over evil; the latter is destroyed and reduced to ashes by fireworks is the belief of the people.

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