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More Details about Festival - Nirjala Ekadashi

In every fortnight, there is an Ekadashi. Out of 24 Ekadashi in the year, the one in jeyesht Shukl called Nirjala Ekadashi is more auspicious and fruitful. Good health, longevity, social comfort and salvation are the fruits of the fast, during which even drinking water is forbidden. God Vishnu in his reclining form amidst the sea is worshipped. During the training period of the Pandavas under Nishi Vyasa, the teacher laid stress on Ekadashi fast every fortnight. Bhima, who ate much and could not remain without food, requested Vyasa that the latter should tell him one fast, the fruit of which should be equal to that of 24 Ekadashi fasts. So Vyasa explained the importance of Ekadashi fast in Jeyeshi Shukl and asked him to undertake that one only.

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