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Lord Narshimha Avtar
Lord Vishnu is considered as one of the trinity of Gods in Hindus. Lord Vishnu descended with his different incarnation from time to time on the earth – to uplift Dharma and to kill the demons of the time. One such incarnation of Lord Vishnu was Narsimha Avtar. There goes a legend that a king named Hiranyakashyapa disallowed the worship of God in his dominion, but his own son Prahlad continued to worship God. Taking the matter into account Hiranyakashyapu tortured the child Prahalad in various crunch ways. But Prahalad remained immuned from every torture imposed on him. The extent reached a culmination when Prahalad was confined to the flames of fire but he escaped by the grace of God. Ultimately Prahalad was compelled to embrace a red burning pillar by a malign design to kill the child. Lord Vishnu could not tolerate this and came out of the pillar and killed Hiranyakashyapu. The form in which he appeared was his body with lion’s face and man’s body. So he is called as Narisimha Avatar (The incarnation of man and lion mixed). Lord Vishnu made such an appearance because Hiranyakahsyapu had a boon of not being killed by any man or animal form. Also he will not be killed in any place inside a house or open. So he was killed on the lire scold of the palace. This form of Narsimhavatar is also prominent for worship in Hindus.

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Lord Narshimha Avtar

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